
There will be a  wide range of Livestock Classes to choose from at this year's show including the following:

Cattle: Herefords, Highlands, Any Other Native breed and Any Continental

For the Native & Continental breeds, please state the breed on your entry form, if there are more than 6 entries of any one breed the judge will be asked to choose a champion of that breed. This will be eligible to go forward to the championship and receive a champion rosette and prize money.          

Sheep: North Country Cheviots, Badger Face, Herdwicks, Any Other Native Hill Breed, Ryelands, Coloured Ryelands, Any Other Native Lowland Breed, Zwartbles, Valais Blacknose, and Continental Breeds.

For the Native  Hill & Native Lowland breeds, please state the breed on your entry form, if there are more than 6 entries of any one breed the judge will be asked to choose a champion of that breed. This will be eligible to go forward to the championship and receive a champion rosette and prize money.

Separate classes for the Grand Autumn Ryeland and Coloured Ryeland Lamb Show will be held at the show again. See the schedule for more details.

Young Handlers: Classes will be held in the Cattle and Sheep sections. These will be open to Young Handlers aged under 21 years of age on the day of the show.

For more information on all of these classes, please make contact with the Livestock Secretary or download the appropriate schedule and application form from the selection opposite.



Horse & Livestock Secretary
Holly Lloyd

T 07747 689215
E [email protected]

Cattle Classes

Cattle Schedule
Entry Form

Sheep Classes
Sheep Schedule
Entry Form

General Information
Rules & Safety Information

On-line Entry Click here